Natures Emerald mod 1.1.6 release is now out!

I know its late at night, but I finished 1.1.6 for the mod so I released it! I hope you enjoy.

-Fixed the cedar leaves texture because it was apparently the same as ash leaves. Looks really nice now.
-Changed the name of the red and green deadwood wood because it was redundant.
-Added lots of recipes so you can make wood pickaxes and other things with the modded wood.
-Changed the Greenwood Plank texture so the ridges are highlighted darker like in the redwood planks.
-Added slabs for the remaining woods and added slabs for green stone!
-Lowered green stone's mining time down by 0.5 hardness.
-Lowered string reed's hardness/resistance down by 1.

-Removed the mob from the last update(The Impulse) and removed the food drop (Parsnip). (Still experimental and not going into release version.)

-The slabs and double slabs seem to have a odd tint to them, possible lighting bug.