Natures Emerald 1.1.5 Beta is out!

I know its a really late post and update, but I spent all night updating the mod and wanted to release it! Hopefully you enjoy it! Look forward to a release version soon.

-Made the greenwood plank more green.
-Changed the names of both deadwood logs from "log" to "wood".
-Removed the burned sand, burned clay and the biome in which they were in.
(down two one biome with the logs that looks better alone.
-Updated the Carbon Block texture.
-Upped the Silk Reeds spawn rate from 1 to 3.
-Fixed an ongoing bug of having the mod blocks letting light through like glass.
-Added slabs for Ash wood and Cedar wood!
-Added a new flower, called Yellow Dahlia! which gives yellow dye when crafted.
-Added a new food called parsnip. heals 1.5 meatsticks, only obtained from the new mob. vvv
-Added a new mob called Impulse. drops parsnip and has 12 hearts. Shoots arrows from a bow.
(tried to make objects for the Terra ball and this impulse, but they we're crashing the game so its voided for now.)