Natures Emerald Mod 1.1.4 is out!

Version 1.1.4 is out for the mod! It's in beta but there's a lot of new stuff in it, so check it out!

Upped fluorite ore spawning from 10/8 to 11/9.
Added a silicon block and carbon block for compact storage. (carbon block texture is not finalised)
Changed the Jadeite ore texture.
Fixed Golden Beryl block from breaking faster then it should.
Added two new blocks, burned sand and burned mud. (the sand is like sand, and the mud can be made into clay by crafting)
Added a new biome, called the "Deserted Biome". Which features burned sand and mud. This biome has been abandoned due to
constant fiery activity and extreme heat and now has dead tree trunks which with, you can harvest new wood that have formed separate colours due to the burning.
Added two new blocks of wood and planks! (Dead Greenwood and Dead Redwood)

-Still need to fix AI for some hostile mobs, (they're not attacking on sight.)
-Need to edit the greenwood planks texture. (make more green.)
-In beta because there's a lot of things needing tweaks :)
-Need to change tick rate for the burned sand so it falls faster :)
-It rains in the deserted biome, which it should not.
-The biome generates really large at times which I do not like.
-had to split the biomes into two different ones so the trees would spawn because they cannot spawn on the burned sand for some reason :(
-Need to change the wood names from "log" to "wood"...