Version 1.1.2 for the mod is out!

Hope you enjoy, just need a little more tweaking and ill put out another release version. We also hit a file size of over 1mb, congrats?
-Changed String Reeds so they drop the block 100% of the time (like sugar cane). Now there's a 50% chance of dropping the silk reeds.
-Fixed issue with placing the item not making a sound.
-Changed code so it will only place besides *still* water blocks. (Block doesn't matter it has to be grass or sand anyways so I changed it)
-Removed description from silk reeds, its craftable too and the description wasen't accurate. (Added the recipe)
-Removed it completely for the string reeds to drop silk reeds due to a dupe glitch. (You only get the string reed plant and you have to let it
grow and craft the silk reeds.)
-Fixed bug where you can click another side of that block and lose your string reeds infinitly.
-Changed skin texture for the Berrenda again.
-Added another flower called Merlot, a red flower which gives red dye when put in a crafting table.
-Added 6 different soups / stews. Added a "???" mushroom.
-Added a achievement for finding the mushroom.
-Added a Water Spider, has 11 hearts. Spawns near water areas. (They get swiftness and jump easier when in water) (Drops fish and lapis)
-Fixed issue and gave sound to blocks being broken, (the flowers, the reeds and the mushroom now make a noise)

-The string achievement does work! :D
-New achievement also works!
-Might change around the cow skin again, not entirely satisfied.

-Some flowers / items make a double break sound (will fix soon)
-Clicking on a block with something above (in the mod like the flowers) will get replaced by a mushroom or reed in hand without dropping the item. (not a big deal.)
-The ??? soup when drank will give potion effects (normal), but sometimes they won't go away after hitting 00:00 on the status effect timer. In which case just re-log into your world to remove them. I believe dying also works.